Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's not easy being green.

Kermit had it right. It's not easy being green. In trying to maintain an environmentally conscience remodel I've been in contact with several green building suppliers with the hopes of being properly informed about their products and their specs. It's like trying to get blood from an orange. When inquiring about product specs I am often told (this happened six times) that I will receive a call back with that information and never receive one or get a call back 2 weeks later still uninformed. They constantly have to contact their suppliers and more often than not they don't have the product in stock nor carry that product anymore despite still being available for purchase on their websites. It's much easier dealing with a regular building supplier who is well informed about codes and standards as well as their products and actually have them in stock. AND if you ask, they can and will guide you in a more green friendly remodel. Wow. Someone who actually knows what they are doing. I'm jealous.

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